Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not bad

My intention had been to write weekly but two weeks since the last post isn't bad for me.
Last week was a confusing one for us as Peter spent a lot of time working locally. On the plus side this meant shorter days on the minus we didn't know what day of the week it was.
Sales for my designs have been going slowly but I have continued to upload designs in and have loved learning more design features of the software package I am using.
We were saddened to hear this week that the whole of Tanzania will lose power this week for 15 hours every day. It appears that the hydro electric power station has not had enough water from the rains to continue working for much longer and the gas station in Dar needs vital repairs. This will badly affect those who rely on electricity to run their businesses ,many of whom were good friends to us.
With a lovely sunny day today we were able to do some work in the garden. One of our main problems has been the many ash trees which have sprung up. Having treated them with weed killer to only see them still standing tall we were led to research killing them on the net. You cut them and put the weed killer straight into the cut is the answer and we will try it next week.
The decorating saga continues but with nearly all the walls prepared in the lounge and most of the gloss paint finished hopefully I should be able to start putting some colour on the walls this week

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh Dear

So much for good intentions, where did April go?
I (Alison) was accepted as a designer at (Click here to see my work) just as the Easter holidays started. That meant that I spent the holidays decorating and designing which was fun but left very little time for anything else and by the end of two weeks I was exhausted. Thank goodness that I only had to go in for one day in the first week back and that Peter had the three days between Easter and the royal wedding off. Despite still decorating it was much more restful.
I went to watch the wedding with my mum and we had a lovely day.
Back at school now I am in more of a routine and so not so manic either with the never ending decorating or the designing.
Peter had to go into work on Easter day as the air conditioning in Amersham had stopped and so the computers had overheated. Although they had been shut down remotely the problem needed to be sorted so that work could continue on the Tuesday. Fortunately we had gone to the 6am sunrise service so Peter could celebrate Easter and then go into work after a shared breakfast at our house.
Today he has gone to the Albert hall with friends form church for a men's conference while I am going to coffee and lunch with the left behind wives.
As promised though a picture of the purple bedroom